Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Above the Law sucks, but...

For once, they might be onto something. A column today points out that the need to rise in the rankings is literally costing law students. What I now realize is that it's the commenters on ATL that really suck, though.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Yet another reason I'm Methodist...

The NYTimes printed a fairly inflammatory story about a priest who had an affair with a separated woman who came to his retreat for counsel regarding her failing marriage. They had a child, and now she is suing the Franciscans for assistance to pay for the child's cancer treatments. They, like any business, are avoiding payments. However, I have to ask, "What would Jesus do?"

A) Not have an affair with a technically married woman.
B) Not try to cover it up, especially when there are children involved.
C) Let priests get married.
D) Let women be priests (though that one really doesn't have to with the story - it's just true.).

For the record, the mother/woman he slept with is now a Methodist.

Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm not a racist, but I'm going to make judgments on race.

Somewhere's friend posted this link about a justice of the peace who denied an interracial couple a license on FB, and I love it. Here is my favorite line:

"I'm not a racist. I just don't believe in mixing the races that way," Bardwell told the Associated Press on Thursday. "I have piles and piles of black friends. They come to my home, I marry them, they use my bathroom. I treat them just like everyone else."

For starters, how about some activist judging, huh? Nice that he did his own study on which marriages work and which don't. That's some serious ex parte communication, no?

What I really like though is that it reminds me of the guy on Survivor: "Look, she's from the ghetto, and she's trashy, so she's ghetto trash. . . She's not a lady. She's a bitch."

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My relatives are going to love this!

Conservapedia (the conservative Wikipedia? really?) is apparently fed up with crappy Bible translations and has thus decided to translate it how they want to. Also, it says the NIV is written on a 7th grade level. No surprise there, I guess. Sigh.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lawyers and Dentists and Birthers - oh my!

Today's Post has an article on a woman who is a big name in the birther movement. She's a lawyer, so she's represented some of the people who believe they should not have to be deployed because Obama's not a legitimate commander in chief. So far, her cases have been dismissed. Her core argument is that being a natural born citizen requires more than just being born in the U.S. It requires that one be born to two parents who are also U.S. citizens.

Also, she thinks Obama was born in Kenya, and his mother faked his Hawaii birth certificates. Naturally. Furthermore, she thinks that there are about 600 FEMA concentration camps where the government keeps dissident citizens.

And on the side, she's a dentist. (WTF?)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The final stage of grief...

...is acceptance. I think, maybe, conservatism is reaching that point. It was kicking and sputtering throughout the Bush years, who just gave it mouth to mouth and some deadly medicine to dull the pain. Then denial set it halfway through the '08 election, and now we've been dealing with anger and those related stages with the rise of Glenn Beck and his absurditiness. Populism seemed all left of the right's great yelp, and in what may be the greatest irony of the whole process so far, it appears that Beck may be reinvigorating intellectual conservatism. Believe me, I'm shocked, but if he's changing his angle, I'll be the first to welcome it.