Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lawyers and Dentists and Birthers - oh my!

Today's Post has an article on a woman who is a big name in the birther movement. She's a lawyer, so she's represented some of the people who believe they should not have to be deployed because Obama's not a legitimate commander in chief. So far, her cases have been dismissed. Her core argument is that being a natural born citizen requires more than just being born in the U.S. It requires that one be born to two parents who are also U.S. citizens.

Also, she thinks Obama was born in Kenya, and his mother faked his Hawaii birth certificates. Naturally. Furthermore, she thinks that there are about 600 FEMA concentration camps where the government keeps dissident citizens.

And on the side, she's a dentist. (WTF?)


  1. And her name is Orly Taitz. Which doesn't just sound like a porn name, but a euphemism for female genitalia.

    But on the serious side, beyond the issue about presidential qualifications, this is just another example of people's focus being way off. Are we really going to dedicate this much energy to a cause that, even if she were successful, actually would mean nothing? Can't we focus all this energy on fixing the economic crisis or calming down Iran or creating the next new technology that will make us a world powerhouse?

    No, is apparently the answer, and I'm afraid that this sort of focus is not just a symptom of the fall of modern conservatism, but just of an overstimulated, reactionary, and shallow society.

  2. "Her core argument is that being a natural born citizen requires more than just being born in the U.S. It requires that one be born to two parents who are also U.S. citizens."

    Well I'm screwed. My dad became a naturalized citizen before I was born, but he isn't natural born. So I guess that makes me not a citizen, even though I was born in Forsyth ("Four-saaith") Memorial Hospital. Actually...I guess none of you are legitimate U.S. citizens, if our legitimacy is predicated on our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so forth both being natural born to natural born citizens...but now I'm confused! Where does the cycle stop?! So...American Indians/Native Americans are the only real citizens, then, right? Because at some point in time, your Irish/Scottish/German/English/French/Dutch/[Insert other European ancestry] relative had to come over and become a naturalized citizen, right? Clearly, the birther movement is of a superior intellect.
