Thursday, September 3, 2009

Did you know your undergraduate institution is out of your league?

The Princeton Review offers you Counselor-o-Matic, a quiz you can take that will tell you what colleges are a good match for you. It turns out that Davidson is a bit of a reach school for me, as are Wake Forest, William and Mary, UVA, and UNC, all of which I got into (with the exception of Wake, to which I did not apply). Of the reach schools, the best fit for me is Bucknell, followed by Barnard and Colby.

It appears that my best match overall would be Spellman, which I believe is a predominantly African-American, all-female school. I have to question the logic there. Following Spellman, my best matches are Washington & Jefferson, Denison, Occidental, Berea, Dickinson, and Furman.


  1. This was fantastic. By best matches were Wesleyan, Bard, and Lehigh. Uh, ok. Middlebury was my best fit reach school, and Washington & Jefferson my safety. Apparently I should've gone to school in the Northeast.

  2. My best matches: Stonehill (?), Cal Tech, Boston University, CSU-Long Beach, American

    My reaches: Gettysburg, UNC, UC-Berkeley, Bryn Mawr, Davidson

    My safeties: Pitt, American Jewish University (??), Ursinus, Hampshire College, and Virginia Tech

    To be fair, if I applied to college today, I'm not so sure I'd get into UNC again...and I don't think I could've ever gotten into Berkeley...
