Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pay your taxes people!

We were assigned this video to watch as part of our tax policy class, and it is disturbing. It follows the economic history of the United States, with a focus on deficits, and it makes me want to forgo deductions and pay every cent of tax I owe.

It's 30 minutes long, but it's well worth it. Also, I bet you wish you were in tax policy now.


  1. Good video. I'm glad the trade deficit was given focus. the WSJ has a good article on this new trade war ('m most disturbed by the fact that China seems to be more cognizant of the rule of law (going to the WTO for countervailing duties rights) than the US.

  2. And I correct myself from earlier...this wasn't prompted by the U.S. auto industry, since the tariffs will force auto manufacturers to buy the more expensive U.S. tires. This was the result of a USITC complaint by the United Steelworkers.
