Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Life Game Plan

I have decided that attempting to be a "productive and contributing member of society" is vastly overrated. Thus, my new life game plan is to amass great wealth and with it do the following (it actually sort of resembles the ultimate retirement, but...can I just fastforward to that?):

(1) Travel (I could do some volunteer work and what not, but that'd be a fringe benefit)
(2) Photography (during the aforementioned travels)
(3) Buy/own and read every book I have ever wanted to read and build a gigantic library. The kind with floor to ceiling books and the ladders on wheels (you saw Beauty and the Beast, you know what I'm talking about).

This all stemmed from my frustration with lack of time (well, really energy) to read for pleasure. After reading all day for school and attempting to stay current on local/state/national/global news, my brain just cannot function well enough to pick up a book for leisure at 10 or 11 p.m. And I have what is getting to be an absurd queue of purchased, unread books. :(

Except, of course, I would be miserable if I weren't working toward...something. And even through traveling, I would find problems I would want to work to fix. I wish you could work 10 months a year and take two off to do whatever you wanted, guilt-free. Hmm. Teaching?

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