Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sending the Wrong Message...

There is an ice cream truck in my neighborhood, a Good Humor one, if I am not mistaken... As I was in my office, I overheard its portentous melodies...and then....then I realized that the tune it was playing was La Cucaracha... I do not think that this is the correct Good Humor theme song. If it were a pest service, like the one in the original Men in Black movie, then I would say - yes, you are using a moderately offensive racial targeting tune in a constructive manner. As it stands now, there is a WASPy child sitting out on his deck wondering why El Senor de Bueno Humor gave him frozen flan when all he wanted was a Flinstone's push-up, and asking the perrenial WASPy question - how the $&@! do you fry ice cream...


  1. Um, more important question: Did you run after it and ask for a Bomb Pop?

  2. Mama Z. Let's think about this. There was a Mexican Ice Cream truck in a WASP wonderland. Had I yelled "Bomb Pop", I have a feeling we would have had thirteen of my neighbors out on their verandas with automatic weapons (purchased through the Virginia gun-show loophole) trained on the driver.

  3. Dude. Since when are Mexicans terrorists (other than on 24)? Aren't your neighbors more concerned that the Mexicans are stealing jobs from honest, hard-working AMERICAN ice cream truck drivers?

  4. Mama Z. Your liberal Utopianism is adorable.

    Let me shed a little uber-suburban light on the subject. (I use "uber" because I think my neighbor's children, opposite to us in the cul-de-sac, are Hitler-youth...)

    Mexicans are brown.

    In Yuppieville, USA, being brown is demonstrative of "otherness" AKA "not white" AKA "something to be feared" AKA "Muffy, phone the authorities...No, do not use the non-emergency number that we use when we have solicitors or loiterers. Use the real emergency number. Tell the Sergeant that we're invoking the Patriot Act."

    I think that there is an Indian man (dot not feather) in the next, well manicured subdivision down the road, but he has a 2 handicap, so his status as a potential Jihadist has been properly vetted.

    [Please read this as DeacNutt and his lovely bride are ashamed of their neighbors in Yuppieville, USA, and we are biding our time before we can tell all of them to go $&%@ themselves...]

    And yes, it is because of the nose...

  5. Yeah, Scott, I was about to get all up in arms. I'm the inoffensive, productive members of society kind of brown. Obviously. Well, okay, maybe not me so much...but yuppie publications that cater to mainly rich white folk like to say this.

  6. Also, the kinds that came with a bubblegum nose trumped. No contest.
