Monday, May 4, 2009

Boston Globe???

As if the Rocky Mountain News and the Seattle Post-Intelligencer weren't bad enough, now we have this.  It's true that I don't currently subscribe to a paper (I'm afraid I have little interest in the local news of Richmond, since I'm just passing through), but I did subscribe to the NYT and Raleigh News & Observer at various points in college.  Anyway, it's just depressing to think that one of the biggest papers in the U.S. might be gone soon.  I really hope this is more of a negotiating ploy.  


  1. I love receiving the WaPo every morning, and I know I would be very sad to lose it. Of course, I have never lived in a city with a wonderful local paper, so it's hard for me to relate to the Boston crowd. Still, I love my print newspaper.

  2. It would suck to lose the Boston Globe. Losing the Richmond Times-Dispatch, however, wouldn't be that bad. I am joking, though the editorial board is a bunch of nut-jobs. There hit piece on Obama on Sunday was amateurish and lazy. I will post above.
