Thursday, May 21, 2009

"Christian" as an adjective

DISCLAIMER: This is a rant.

I can't find a news site that's not running the new American Idol as the top story, so it's unavoiable not to read about it. But since when did "Christian" become a required adjective for a person? Does AP Style require it? We don't throw around "non-Christian" or "atheist" or anything else unless it's relevant to the story. We're afraid to note someone's race unless it's important (see, e.g. Barack Obama) but religion is still a big deal. How does this make sense?

Got that off my chest.

1 comment:

  1. A fair point, but I think it has become such an adjective because the loud Christians in this country have made it so. Loud Christians have talked forever about why someone is qualified to do whatever because s/he is Christian, so now we care if someone is Christian. Unfortunately, the adjective is fairly generic. Perhaps they should say, "Loud Christian," instead of just Christian.

    Side note: I find loud Christianity to be so improper. My good Southern great aunts would just be appalled that people talked about religion like that.
