Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Let's Appreciate Jesse Ventura

I was just saying to my mom and Mama Z the other day that I understand why Jesse Ventura would have a certain appeal. He says what he thinks and you can't fit him into any sort of idealogical box.

That being said, what is most enjoyable about this clip is that you can't help but think that at any moment he might jump over the table and throttle Elizabeth Hasselbeck as if he is having some sort of Running Man flashback.


  1. (1) Elizabeth Hasselbeck is a twiggy bimbo who makes conservatives look bad because she doesn't even know WHY she's a conservative.
    (2) I could snap her in two, so that's that.
    (3) The View in general sucks (I do <3 Whoopi, though).

  2. 1 and 2. Yes. Yes.
    3. Oh, I know.
    4. I have a newfound respect for the body
    5. Nancy Pelosi lied.

  3. 1. I hate her, hate her, hate her, I hate her fake tan and dyed hair and annoying voice and her righteous attitude. Actually, she DOES know why she's a conservative--it's most likely because her husband is and because it's in the best interest of her perfect children. Because good mothers are conservative. EW. My pulse just quickened. I HATE HER.
    2. I could snap her in two as well, but it would bu funnier if Anisa took her on while I pulled her hair out.
    3. Joy Behar is funny. The SNL parodies of The View are funny, too.

  4. I'm a little disturbed. Do I think that a former professional wrestler is the most sensible person ever to be on The View? Yes I do.

    And for the record, I'm not really bothered by the torture. What bothers me is that Nancy Pelosi acted like an idiot. Are you kidding me? For the love of Ray J!

    P.S. I would like to be involved in taking down Hasselbeck. She's embarrassing not just to conservatives, but to women.
