Monday, May 4, 2009

The RTD Doesn't Want Energy Independence!

The Richmond Times Dispatch published this "commentary" where they took a Obama's Earth Day speech and commented in bold after every paragraph or so. Really?

I haven't seen that tactic used so effectively since the Davidsonian. Really?

This is what journalism has come to... snarky comments made in the margins. Lewis Black did a bit like this with a George Bush speech one time. Except he is comedian who is funny!

The best part is when they question why Obama would want energy independence.
Why energy independence? The U.S. does not pursue "independence" in any other economic sector. It imports food and clothing. It coordinates banking policy with other major nations. It embraces technological innovations from overseas. Why should it strive for autarky in energy, and only energy.
Interesting that should say this when they drummed the energy independence drummed repeatedly over the last few years when demanding offshore drilling, uranium mining and new coal production.

The RTD sucks.


  1. The N&O similarly can be silly (no, the Charlotte Observer is even worse, though both are least the N&O has decent state politics and higher education coverage).

    Unrelated: Lewis Black is a Carolina alum! He was a Student Government geek like me!

  2. Anna's dad went to high school with him.
