Sunday, May 3, 2009

I loved these pictures...I know I'm partial, but during the campaign, a lot of people griped about how the Obamas seemed too perfect, and they wanted to see them as real people.  This batch as a lot of really humanizing shots.  I think this was my favorite of the was just too freaking cute:

Copyright for both images belong to The Huffington Post (I think).  

This one's another personal favorite because of who it is (Teddy's one of my heroes): 

Also from HuffPo:  (I choose to pretend Josh Lyman wrote this). 


  1. First of all, that Whitford article is kinda funny.

    Secondly, I think there's something really nice about having young kids in the White House. It's been a while, but it adds something fun.

  2. Haha, is that Barack helping a tiny ginger with her egg??? SO CUTE!
